Monday, April 26, 2010

Pitcures For Dr.mrs. Vandertramp

The Wood and the child

Sunday, April 25 at the Theatre of the Great Mother of God parish in Rome, the Missionary Animation with the children of the parish of Ponte Milvio has staged the work theatrical The Wood and the child . The initiative is part of the twinning in the course of the Great Mother of God and the Diocese of Tete in Mozambique. Click here
to see some pictures of the show.

THANKS! Children, parents, Don Fabrizio, Don Walter, Enza Emira, Victoria, Monica (S & M Associates), Alessio, Scarlett (REDSTUDIO), Mario (AMIP), Carla, Michelle, Valerie, Paul, Sonia, Donatella, Maria Teresa, Fabrizia , Enrica, Andrea-Julio-Sebastian (LIGHTCUT FILM), Marco-Fabio (MARTINI Communication), John, Matthew, Milly, Antoinette, Guido, Cristian, Isolina, Sofia ... and all viewers, adults and children ..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where To Buy Christmas Tree Fence

Seven lives

like lightning, m'รจ flashed in his head the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving lived seven lives.

The first, related to childhood, spent in the farm country between Rivoltella del Garda and San Martino della Battaglia. During those years I remember my first steps into the world of nature. I still see the spider webs covered with dew, the colorful flowers, fruit trees from which I took with avidity the thousand flavors, made of gold, the swallows made a nest under the porch of the barn, the chirping of cicadas in summer while staring at the full moon outside. And then the taste of wine, the bright orange of khaki, gray mist to reach the thousands of colored lights in the crib nearby farm that my mother took me to visit. Then the cycle repeated itself again and I was able to deepen what has been seen with amazement or explore other news.

Shortly before starting elementary school, my father has abandoned the life of the farmer and so I started to the second here in the city, Brescia. In those years many of us wondered if we were disappointed to come away from farm country. I never had any regrets, nor had a longing for what I had left. I found it enjoyable even this new life. The first experiences of playing in a group with guys bigger than me. I fantasized about building fortifications and part of a small army of soldiers, used to play racing cars on the tracks drawn on the asphalt with a piece of brick, sometimes with white chalk. I returned from the mountain, where we were were to find the grandparents, with bows, swords, wooden rifles who skillfully forged my father for my joy.

Then, after these first years when we were to rent near the house of his maternal grandparents, my parents bought a house in most suburbs. It was not yet cemented everything. There were many areas around our house and, in some ways, this third life I seemed to savor a bit 'colors and images of the first. Growing up and trying a taste for the collections. The game of marbles, which took much of my summer afternoons or not. The collection of figurines with various rites for the purchase, exchange between friends, the completion of the album: many initiatives, but only one finished. The first serious kick the ball, without which the sport has ever taken so much of me. The Mickey Mouse comics. The bike that I loved and wanted but like nothing else. The long lead up to raids on the hills of neighboring countries, but his parents were too afraid for our safety. More speed and other quantities of vehicles in circulation. Average guy I was with my claimed to have arrived to Lake Iseo. To my mother, who in time of war was shuttling between Brescia and Ghedi to fetch a large bag of flour for bread and pasta of his family, must certainly not have seemed a big deal.

The fourth stage of life has been inner exploration. Determined to become priest have entered the seminary, where I attended high school and grammar school. Convinced that this was my calling, I left everything: my growing passion for things technical and electronics in particular. The girls, who I have always liked a lot and they now look even distracted because I was convinced God was calling me to a life of celibacy. Out of sight, out of mind. The teenage years were marked by austerity, commitment, but not too much, for the study and exercise self-oblation for the sake of others. How could I aspire to become the priest of all, if it shuns, not to fall into temptation, the contact with the opposite sex? You do not become priests for men only. The studies of philosophy fueled my crisis. How could God call me to something different from that to which I always aspired from an early age? If that was His will, then I would get the strength to give up the affection of a good wife, the joy of our children and I would take his Word where the spirit of the mission would have pushed me.

But one day I met Santina, or rather, I saw her in a different light during a retreat with the youth of our parish community. I felt I was drawn to a different life: the fifth. With the graduation exam they decided the way I walk into that of a priest and an engineer. But the university I have not received the attention it deserved. After the first year, now vanished passion for electronics, decided to retire and to clear my head, I approached the military service. I had been away from home and, if not in a barracks, I had learned to take care of myself without mom and dad who continuously provide to you. I thought that was a wasted year, but I would not object to civil potermene just to stay closer to home. Unexpectedly, the military service formed the basis of my next computer profession. Once discharged, I enrolled in the Faculty of Mathematics here at the Catholic University of Brescia. I managed to make only a couple of exams and then I left also this university to plunge into the world of work. Those were years when we learn more in this business alone or in a classroom. Not labored, for the passion in my way and realize in a couple of years the goal of marriage, after more than six years of engagement. Then I arrived early to the children that I have not always given the right time because they are too absorbed in work that I continued to do with enthusiasm. But my life was, so to speak, a single theme. Computer at work and computer magazines in his spare time at home. Santina, how much patience you brought. However, when you were sick and then I remembered I said that sentence. That is, that you had taken when I spent a little patience ' too much work and now the company would take patience, allowing me to accompany you during the sessions of chemotherapy and during the next labor whose outlet was the sixth life.

Yes, life without you was my sixth. Hard years of loneliness, of misunderstanding, of difficult relations, but with the constant thought could do it, the need to do for our children whose care you you were so highly recommended to me before he died. I think I lost time. But it was nice to get that away from you. Without the space to share a tear, without a way to get a smile, share a warm embrace, cover your lips with a kiss. Thank God, by which I never looked away, not even at times lower, even when discouragement lead to despair, Andrew and Alex have grown strong and, most importantly, are good guys, I hope that you would like to become. But my pain, my pain is not last long. Five years have flown fast and blessed the pain that led me to revise Maria Luisa, in her first smile, your.

Now, in this seventh and new life, I'm the lucky man who has ever received so much and feels a duty to return a bit 'of that abundance. It amazes me, but then not much, when my wife Maria Luisa tells me that basically I was the priest who never became. I do not know if this is so. Enter through the doors of the third millennium, perhaps we can be servants of God in this way. Without celebrating the Eucharist on the altar, but dealing with everyday life through different eyes. With those of the believer who is certain that before being loved by the fruit of our womb, by the person that we have chosen to marry, we are part of those who came from eternity and has favored big claims for what we can offer if not accepted, without reservation, that we love Him, even when the mode or circumstances may make us think otherwise.

I have before me other lives? This obviously does not know, but I look forward with care: I would not have escaped me something or I lose the pleasure of living to the full the opportunities that I have given.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Aloecia Areata Barbae Home Remedies

Faith is something for old people? Step

Dear friends, here we go again. Young people are back in the crosshairs of surveys and analysis. A few days reading two news items appeared in the national press, I have taken a punch in the face, knocked capable of the best boxers around!
Two gloves in his face. First post: Nearly half of young Italians would be racist and suspicious of foreigners. Only 40% said they were "open to new ideas and new ethnic groups that now populate our country. It is the portrait offered by the survey, "I and others: the young Italian in the vortex of changes, "presented to the Chamber of Deputies.
The second column came from a perhaps even more ruthless news: more and more people consider alien to the Christian faith, so that we can speak of" first generation incredulous. "I Sixty-eight of their children's children who are ignorant of any Christian experience and knowledge. Faith is a thing of the past, that does not concern them, a concept from the history books.
I would like to dwell on this second point, that Don Armando Matteo explained in the book "the first generation in disbelief. The difficult relationship between young people and their faith "(Soveria Mannelli, tap, 108 pages, 10 €).
Young people are deaf and waterproof the great offer that you can also find in the parishes. With a beat you could say that the speakers are becoming more modern, the priests go from robes to jeans, but the churches are deserted by the younger generation. Faith is about a minority of young people who, as creative, is negligible within a mass that has a head and heart elsewhere.
The picture is bleak. But it gets worse. 90% of young people is a Catholic, chooses religious education in schools, but the church does not put nearly foot. Faith thus becomes a factor only cultural belief without belonging. According to Don Matteo (which is not Terence Hill, but the assistant of the Catholic University Federation Italian), we are learning to live without God and the church.
As usual, the faults are distributed: a little 'go to the parents, who first broke the drive belt of the faith from generation to generation, a little' Go to today's society, who suffers from narcissism and desire for eternal youth at any cost and by any means, but is weak in taking personal responsibility and community.
Something similar happens even in the church, good at organizing big events for the young, but very incisive in his daily pastoral proposals and unable to offer evidence to suggest there an agreement between faith and life. Faith, in fact, is perceived as a burden, a "deal" which is fine until you have children, but then ... does not matter anymore. So fall baptisms, confirmations, marriages and religious vocations.
accepted the challenge. Certainly faith is demanding, but worth it to live young! We must extend and customize the opportunities to meet. Maybe everyone could bring their own experiences of faith in Don Matteo. We are prepared to accept and raise. Who knows what Don Matteo - and we with him - not able to console themselves and may soon write another book entitled, "The grandchildren of '68 explain the faith to their parents."
Without underestimating this important survey on the relationship between today's youth and faith, we can say that it is not always so uncomfortable being a minority. He says even the proverb "A few but good! And then remember the strength of pinch of yeast in the flour? Those "four cats" who believe, let's do.

Diego Piovani
Xaverian Missionaries
N. April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Real Gloryhole San Diego

Therefore I tell you about your life Do not worry about what eat or drink, nor about your body, what you will wear Is not life worth more than the food and the body more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air do not sow or reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? and which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life?
And why take ye thought for raiment? Observe how the lilies of the field do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them.
Now if God so clothe the grass of the field, today and tomorrow is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
not worry, saying, What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear?
all these things the pagans, and your heavenly Father knows that you need.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its.

Matthew 6.25-34