evil Once upon a time in Australia
Today I went out to dinner with Lorenzo, Fabio and two of their colleagues. I forgot to order a decaf coffee and so now I struggle a bit 'to get to sleep. Instead of continuing to turn over in bed to no avail in this warm summer evening, I'd better put the PC and write something that is close to my heart.
Last Sunday we came to eat grandfather Luigi and I made a nice grilled meat. Lately, he tends to eat less, but despite this healthy tendency to be lighter on, I managed to shove into the pot some portion plenty of what he wanted. The affection and also passes through the food, serving more generous amount to my relatives, it seems best to express my love for them.
After washed up, because my father had still want to chat, we settled down in the living room. There was no need to go out on the street in those first sunny afternoon. The air conditioner was going full blast and to prevent too much heat risentissimo, certainly above average for the period.
For my father has always been easy to go back in thought to the years spent working in Australia and remember that this or that incident, even if told for the umpteenth time, does not raise ever bored or disapproval. I can understand how this big slice of life which he spent away from home and family, albeit in the company of many friends neighbors, it has so marked in the years following his return have been the occasion for him on several occasions tell a continuous seamless. Eight years have passed beyond the ocean, when he was in full vigor of youth, must have been full of satisfaction that he derived economic improvement, but also to sacrifice for their hard work in the plantations of bananas and various vegetables, far from parents and especially without a wife beside him.
But he had always said he was firmly convinced of wanting to return home and why not His family had ever done there. He was sure that by attending a local woman, then he would marry her and presumably would have had children and they would definitely put the root in that land which, though friendly and hospitable, he felt as his final destination.
At one point in his narrative, which proceeds more by association of ideas in a systematic way, I wanted to ask him how he had to understand that it was time to return. He said that the favorable time it occurred approximately eight months after his business partner was married. Since that time, while continuing to work together and often share meals with unchanged fraternal friendship that friend's wife prepared for both, frankly dad told them that soon they would have had children and it was right that he did so by and realize his purpose to return.
I asked if we approach the departure date had experienced feelings of nostalgia and regret leaving the vast community of Italian friends, all immigrants like him. "Not at all," he said, adding that he was seized with enthusiasm that will not wait to get there. But the ship that departed from Sydney at the end of 1960 it took almost a month before reaching its destination. He had embarked on its own, but on board had made friends with some sugar cane cutters in Friuli, in fewer years than he had set aside a considerable fortune, and now also returned to their homeland.
I still remember the expression on his face surrounded by these friends happy in some photos taken in Hong Kong or other Asian ports during the various intermediate stages of the long journey home. Dad told me later that one of these airports, perhaps in India, had had to write a postcard to the parents to let them know in advance the expected date of arrival. But come near the Red Sea began to suffer from a terrible toothache. She could not wait to go ashore to submit to the care of a dentist.
Moored in Naples, as the ship was stopped for several hours, it did take a taxi from the most near dentist. After a long stroll through the streets of the city arrived at its destination. The driver asked him if he would have to wait for the return. But my father saw that the place from where it was is no more than three hundred meters from the port, firmly refused the offer, saying that he would return on foot.
thought he was dead of winter and his country would have suffered very cold. Therefore bought for eighteen thousand pounds was a great coat, then in the months after he was borrowed from his cousin to do well at the wedding of a relative.
The journey by sea ended in Genoa. One of the friends on the ship returned to Sweden by the same means. My father and Friuli went by train instead. Initially feared he could not leave during the day because the pass had plenty of snow and maybe the race would have been suppressed or delayed. After a while 'waiting received the announcement that the train would move a foot of snow and then they met along the way did not create any problem.
Once in Milan, they changed in the direction of Brescia, where my father got leave of the others and advising them to invest the money in some productive activity. But they told him they would return the goats to graze as before. Dad left the station were now nine in the evening. He managed to find a taxi that took him from now on in the mountains to his native land. He thought that he could stay in town and stay at some relatives, but had too much eagerness to get home again the same day. Then he began walking again.
Belprato arrived in the village before his beloved Livemmo, he realized, in the faint glow of some streetlight, that there was no snow at that altitude and thus probably would not have found even further. In about an hour my father had already arrived at their destination and the cost of transporting six thousand pounds I am part of a figure so exorbitant, especially when compared to the approximately € then I spent transporting us to the hotel industry, starting known for our trip to Lourdes.
coupling with two suitcases in hand under the house, Dad spoke aloud the name of his family to ask if its there. He was greeted by his mother. His father, however, was the barn with the animals and dad only saw him the next morning. He noticed the curved parent's physical and he seemed older than fifty years he had. My grandfather told him that now that he had returned he would not be sorry even to die.
These are my roots and where I come from the events. The story of this return from Australia I was excited and enthusiastic as they could not do the imaginative stories of dad when he comes upon poisonous snakes, koalas and iguanas.