On July 16, 2010 we held the celebration of consecration of the Chapel of Mary Mother of God, presided over by Father Giacomo Palagi - Chief Apostolic Diocese of Tete; concelebrants P. Eusebio Maria Inocencio, P. Joseph Gaffurini, D. Walter Insero, P. Alberto Font. The community of Chitima animated the ceremony, welcoming with great joy the arrival of the image of "small" Great Mother of God Parish from the "twin" of Bridge Milvio - Rome. At the end of the celebration have been blessed foundations and has been placed the first "rock" of a home for girls. Some of the future guests of the Centre were present at the ceremony.
The Secretary of State of the Vatican sent a message of blessing of the Holy Father Benedict XVI, addressed to the Diocese of Tete, Chitima the community and to those who are promoting the project.

The Secretary of State of the Vatican sent a message of blessing of the Holy Father Benedict XVI, addressed to the Diocese of Tete, Chitima the community and to those who are promoting the project.

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