" Fog in the distance and the nature going to sleep lazily sen to escape the cold and death. But men have invented Christmas to warm the hearts .
This morning I wrote this short text message to Maria Luisa, after having opened the windows to give air to the rooms. A little 'extra oxygen helps the mind to open itself more easily to new thoughts of the day.
My wife, of Cremona, he promptly replied with a message of approval to which I immediately replied saying that in fact she is my muse.
Then I thought it would be a nice idea to publish on the blog, perhaps accompanied by a stock tank that I immediately took out on the balcony and directing the camera towards the sunrise.
I'm not used to store text messages that I write. At most I can save some of those received by others. I then tried to memorize exactly what I had suddenly entered on the keyboard of mobile phones, to be able to write it down on a piece, like someone does with the dreams of the night when you wake up and quickly disappear if they are not fixed on paper, then he can no longer to narrate.
Later, while I accompanied Alex to school, I could not resist the temptation to tell you too and what I wrote to Andrea Maria Luisa. At the end of the rant, my daughter said: " I becoming a poet who touches me then studied in school ". For so little? No, there is no danger.
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