Who would have guessed that a blogger semidilettante like me, like a sour citrus Activia yogurt left out of the fridge, it would be moved by reading your comments?
you, I would say we are better , a bunch of misunderstood Acidelle (but perhaps not so much ) bitches and bittersweet as the roast turkey with plums and your words were very sweet and I do not know how to thank you.
I spent a nice Christmas, but there was some tear is normal. My tear
I paid, as usual, during the Mass when I started to remember when My brother and I we give the elbow sparlottando of all people in the church.
few years, however, we are creating new habits, which are not even yet 'traditions' but are ways to keep us away from that place of mind where we would end if we were alone.
So here we are finished at the home of Zia, who prepared the most delicious cake of MondoUniversoSpazio. A food included in the assets protected by UNESCO. A cake that I did when I was little and has passed into history. A cake that has a reputation (and hungry) that precedes it. There are dozens of photos of me, a small ball of fat child who bites a slice of that pie that are not even seienne.
The children of my cousin were strangely more peaceful than usual (which means screaming, smashed the windows I'm not around), probably due to the overdose of food. The Wii
have escaped me (is it possible that a child of 5 years will be able to beat me in a technology that I should know better than he knows that not even read?), But not Lego.
And Lego I realized what I had heard on the radio a few weeks ago, that when you know a child (who is his cousin, nephew, son, friend or complete stranger) You know I want a certain thing for Christmas, waterfalls The one thing the world you will have.
Even if it means killing human made barriers.
Even at the cost of tearing out of the hands of another desperate parent.
Even at the cost of kilometers away go for it.
Even at the cost of breaking in behind the doors of a shop just closed.
When buying a gift for a child to receive the mandate that speaks to you directly from God through the Archangel Gabriel in a dream and what I saw told me 'You! Donna! Indeed, no- Zitella Acid ! A bin of Lego Wii if you find you will not want to face! '
Now, you know how difficult it is to find a bin of Lego? No, because now only sold in boxes with the minimum necessary to fit the model of a helicopter, rather than the fire trucks rather than the gas station.
Basically, the 'Ikea \u200b\u200b : Box + User + Assembly = Satisfaction.
Poretti that these children do not develop the imagination! They will live in a world pre-cut, pre-assembled, pre-heated and presbagliato! So then, braced my surprise gift which I will discuss later, the umbrella and the bag I explored all the toy stores in the country.
socket since the panic of having to go to deal with a large stock of toys across the prairie, a shop by the ominous name 'Toys' (as if we women had a store called 'Shoes'. We could go in and be swallowed), I faced the two best-stocked toy stores in the country due to breaks in the Department of Barbie ...

... but without success. It seems that finding a bin on the eve of Lego is ' too late'.
Here, however, that by force of Armageddon I set foot in a store in which I entered not from where you had still the lyre: the Coop.
And there, behind the action figures Ben10, the furnishing of Hello Kitty, the axis of ironing Ciccina Beautiful Doll ... here it is! The bin of Lego that I will earn eternal salvation!
Too bad then, at the supermarket near my house where I went to buy the last things (food) that were used to take advantage of a discount (you ever have a rebate on spending and although there need anything go to buy something anyway?) in the toy department forgotten by God that I find here is the same fucking bin less than 5 €.
which amounts to € 5 discount that I had as good means that I would pay € 10 less.
And Fuck Santa Claus.
not without a touch of sadism, I avoided the delivery of gifts to the end of the meal, but then there was a certain satisfaction in seeing any build with these colored bricks. And I must say that seeing my dad, a big man of 76 years, bending to play with a child of five with his Lego's why:

He 's gone well. And I say softly, shyly, because until now I've just thought. And I thought as we think those things you're scared, because I'm afraid to feel good. In fact, I'm not afraid to feel good, I'm afraid to feel bad after they have been good. Why failure is great.
perhaps because of someone, I would say so, yes, and I'm here to tell you that I discovered a man even more sexy with Human Infants. And Prince is not with children.
Then there is the man who cooks, then there's the Man Stretch, then there is the Man with Children.
Friends, I found I another.
the man who makes his tail. From Lanvin

Well, you see that this blog know that the collection of Lanvin because I had never spoken .... I thought that she was already talking enough.
That collection has been media coverage (especially on the Internet) that even the Nobel Peace Liu Xiaobo. When it came out I had the balls to be filled as he was talking about: there were pictures of Russia, Ferrogna and all the bloggers of the world universe.
I had a mathematical certainty that the collection would be sold out on the first day, just like last year to Jimmy Choo. So then how often happens, if you know one thing not to be able to decide that you do not want it.
I decided I did not want Lanvin.
Even when I learned that my friend would have made the early rising at 5 am to appear before the doors of the store in San Babila. I could tag along to her, but honestly it seemed to me too. As Simon pointed out to me, just returned to the public commentators, it is often much more snobbish not be .
But then I can not explain why, when I removed the case from the gift card coat closet, has entered into a kind of epileptic seizure shouting 'LANVIN! LANVIN! LANVIN! Oddi LANVIN! LANVIN! LANVIN! ' which lasted all day, rather than to wish you a Merry Christmas when I found myself wishing, at the exit of the church, 'Good Lanvin and a happy new year'.
from shopping with the cockade I realized that this was a purchase made on the first day out of the collection (I say no, it was ONE MONTH without telling me?) But honestly I thought, trotting to the center in the afternoon of the day for November is accidentally bumped by H & M has used the possibility of accapararsi still some pieces left after the passage of locusts in the morning.
But no, they discover that one night a month ago as the Magi, our Little Man is seated on the ground together from a friend (of which I still do not want to reveal the identity probably out of respect for the dignity of man) with both (gold, frankincense and myrrh) to backpack, thermos of hot tea, biscuits and computer to watch a movie while waiting of the comet ... Well, that's priceless .
What I have I got?
Well, what I took it to the comparison of that suit is an insult.
will make it tomorrow. O
New Year. You know what you do on New Year ...
About New Year. a mountain.
I figured two days of snow in which the Little Man was going to ski and I would have stayed at home to cook
Little Man does not ski this year.
We are going to roll in the snow like a porn movie in Austria.
we roll down the cliffs with the sledge. With cakes.
'Bring rainwear' - 'But why do these pants (stretch velvet ribs) are not going well?' - 'You will end up in the snow' - 'But I only dungarees that I put a second more! And 'The anti-sexism! It looks like the girlfriend of Shrek in a dress stolen mannikin Michelin! I look Balloon ! '.
You know when I said 'Riesumerò amphibians of the upper V? '. There.
My mother threw them.
I'll have to put the anti-sexism overalls with logs of Prada.
Oh how disgusting I find it hard even to write it!
No, put the anti-sexism après-ski with my brother, at least 3 sizes too big. What if I throw a kick to someone's boot ends up down the valley.
For me it's like going to the mountains for Santanchè go to the gypsy camp. With the Hermes Kelly.

I hope you all had a peaceful Lanvin all and you expect a happy new year.
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