Saturday, January 1, 2011

Simple Partial Seizures


feel much miss me, but others will not escape that. Let go a couple of months, but no more. Gertrud and Claus needs a father. Do not forget that you must live for his children, do not give you much trouble for their father. Children quickly forgotten, especially at their age. Looks good man of your choice, is' attentive to her eyes and as shaking hands, as we did, and you will not be disappointed. One thing above all: to educate children become people who can walk tall and may look to all. I am writing these lines with a heavy heart. After all you would not believe me, if I told you so easy for me to write, but do not worry, I'm not afraid of what happens. Repeat it always and continuously, and even children, when they are older, that their father has never been a coward and that they too should not be ever.

Last Letters from Stalingrad
Ostriches, 18 - Einaudi


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