Site Update!
Hello everyone! Post
quick quick just to say that last night I finally managed to update the site and there's so much material scattered among ragnesco newsstands and comics!
To note the number 99 of the great sagas, the RCS initiative newsstand newspapers (which will conclude next week), to reprints, the first few cycles of Sentry before ... Siege!
Then, in addition to Spider-Man 551, latest release of "our" fortnightly ragnesco, spiderman our peeps on the cover and inside stories, both in the renamed "Iron Man & The Avengers 35" in "Thor & the New Avengers 143. Finally, I also came
"Ultimate Deluxe 3" and I quote "Devil & Hulk 170" in normal and variant version, the latter with Spidey in the rib opening of the cover!
Next week promises to be quiet, with four extra outputs ragnesche: 100%
Fantastic Four 317 Marvel Universe X-Men 3
Deluxe 191
Good day to you all!
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