Monday, December 20, 2010

Watch Huntik Season 2 Episode 1

... My life has not changed at all: as ten years, is blessed by the stars and avoided by men.
I never had friends, and you know why they have never liked having to do with me. I was glad when I sat in front of the telescope and watched the sky and the world of stars, happy, happy as a child, which is given to play with the stars. (...)

Monica, what is our life in comparison to the millions of years of the starry heavens? Above my head are, in this good night, Andromeda and Pegasus. I watched them for long, soon they'll be very close. My happiness and my balance I owe them the stars, and between them you are to me the most beautiful. The stars are immortal and human life is like a speck of dust in everything.

(...) I would have loved to count the stars for a few more decades, but this is now no longer do anything.

Last Letters from Stalingrad
Ostriches, 18 EINAUDI


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